Thursday, 29 November 2012

Handmade cards for the Festive Season

Well Christmas is just around the corner and I started making cards way back in August
 sometimes I had a few in different stages  but I got there.
just put a simple verse in them  
I must say I enjoyed doing them all no matter how big or small each one is
 I hope the recipients like them
Merry Christmas and a Happy 2013 to you all and here's to our crafting in next year

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

new baby BEN.

 we have friends who have just had a baby boy  BEN  below is the big blue card i made for his arrival,He has a big sister called Ballie Olivia and she gets BO so i made this card with lots of butterfly's and a lovely bird. hope she likes her new baby?

Saturday, 24 November 2012

halloween guisers

 Halloween has  come and gone and here are 4 pirate girls made into Happy Halloween Labels and I know 2 of my girls tied them on their bedroom doors when the got home.
 This one was made for the only boy I expected and it was an easel card which the wee boy set it up in his room it is from one of the create and craft Cd's you will have seen it before on my blog.

Below are the three guisers and the one in the middle is Tilly who has been mentioned on my blog before

 So here is a goody bag for halloween and 2 christmas cards done on a coffee morning
 2 cards one from poppets cd and a gorguss girl as a thankyou card for my stock
below 2 small christmas cards  made  on Kraft papers which i think are great